Category: Short Stories
This week, #Quill‘s Tuesday Twitter game was called #WhatHappensNext? #Quill provided hourly tweets, and us Tweeters had to continue the story. Here’s my best efforts!
Short Story: Curtain Call
I wrote this short story (~2,500 words) under the following prompt: In memory of Terry Pratchett write a story that showcases the following: -characters who face death bravely -stories that turn the traditional ideas of death on their heads Curtain Call The No.1 bus trundled along the streets of Bristol. …
Feline Meditations
A short soliloquy from a cat coping with a toddler: Escape at last! The human spawn will never find me here. Are all my whiskers intact? The fiend was in fine form this morning. Not a moment’s peace. Chased all round the house. Tail pulled, ears mauled. Oh, how sore …