Thanks! Yes, he was pleased with the shots.
On Tintagel: Merlin’s Cave
It wasn't what I was expecting actually... I don't think I've been round a castle with so little of it…
On Tintagel Castle: Legendary Birthplace of King Arthur
Apparently back in medieval times there was a bridge across the top so no steps were needed. Shame it isn't…
On Tintagel Castle: Legendary Birthplace of King Arthur
There were loads of walls like that in the end. I guess they had to do the best job they…
On Holiday Pictures: Tintagel, Cornwall
Hehe I don't think you'd get James Bond in that particular Aston Martin!
On Holiday Pictures: Tintagel, Cornwall
Haha I will gladly send you a few rain showers 😀
On Holiday Pictures: Tintagel, Cornwall
We have friends in that area, so it's always a good excuse to visit Devon/Cornwall. Some lovely scenery around there!
On Holiday Pictures: Tintagel, Cornwall
On Twitter: Dealing with Spammers and Scammers
Thank you Donna.
On #twitterphile game – Thursday 8th September
Thanks, I haven't heard of that link shortener before!
On How Do I Fit That Into 140 Characters?