Dream Eater’s Carnival (Bitlather Chronicles) by Leslie Anderson & David T. Allen  Desperate for adventure, the headstrong Leisl abandons her sterile cathedral life for a mysterious traveling carnival. Surrounded by vibrant energy and eccentric performers, she finds a sense of belonging. Although she embraces her new life, Leisl is unable …

Stuff I Like: Zumba

A warning up front: this post has nothing to do with writing. It’s merely another interlude about something else that goes on in my life. Over the years, I’ve struggled with exercise. I was terrible at school sports and never found any aspect of exercise enjoyable. In my 20s I …

Short Story: Curtain Call

I wrote this short story (~2,500 words) under the following prompt: In memory of Terry Pratchett write a story that showcases the following: -characters who face death bravely -stories that turn the traditional ideas of death on their heads   Curtain Call The No.1 bus trundled along the streets of Bristol. …