Gateway to New Worlds
And the New Year is underway…

And the New Year is underway…

Happy New Year! The picture above is idealistic rather than realistic. Here in the UK, we’ve had some cold days and a few early morning frosts, but many other days have been mild and wet. Not a sign of any snow yet this year. I always remember the good things about snow – how pretty it looks when it’s falling, the nice scenery etc. and I forget that actually we’re better off without it because the entire country grinds to a standstill. Snow on the roads, snow on the train tracks, and the supermarket is cleaned out of bread and milk within two days because WE WILL ALL STARVE! Yeah, the Brits take snow seriously!

Anyway, I’ve had a busy start to the year. I’ve been catching up on all the chores and admin that inevitably get put to one side over Christmas. And I’ve made decent progress on my editing and proofreading:

Book one: over half way there with the proofreading now. And it’s definitely proving worthwhile to have got a hard copy to proofread. The enforced wait before I received it and simply reading it in a different medium are allowing me to pick up various mistakes and small word changes that I want to make. Repetition of words within a paragraph seems to stand out more clearly.

Book two: I’m now three-quarters of the way done with editing the third draft, and I’ve started to get some beta feedback on the initial chapters. The end of the book is proving easier to edit than the earlier sections, which is good.

So, I’m pretty pleased with this week’s progress.

Also, my husband and I spent some of our Christmas money. We already have a Gromit Unleashed figurine – Grrrrrromit, who stands on one side of the fireplace. And so now we’ve ordered Shaun Rex, who is going to stand on the other side 🙂










Have a good week everyone!


  1. You’re doing amazing with the editing and proofreading! 🙂

    If you want snow, I know my folks will send you the next snowstorm, since we got 18+ inches last time apparently. If not, I shall keep it all for myself!

    Those are cool figures. I think Shaun Rex is my favorite, because sheep dressed up like T-rex! 😀

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