Gateway to New Worlds
April Plans

April Plans

Following the excitement of the launch of Where Carpets Fly, things are now getting back to normal at Magic Writer.

The second book in the series is coming along nicely. I’m spending April reviewing feedback, after which I shall be planning the next draft. Hopefully, this draft will be the last one with any major changes and then I’ll be down to tweaking. But we shall see. That’s the problem with writing–I want to plan my progress in advance, but sometimes I just have to wait and see how things turn out. The perfectionist in me gets frustrated!

My other major project this month is my Camp NaNoWriMo novel. Earlier in the year, I started drafting a novel to put on Wattpad. I got three chapters in and couldn’t keep up the momentum. So my plan now is to blast out a first draft and then revise and post to Wattpad. I find it easier to produce chapters on a regular schedule if I’m revising rather than writing from scratch. Here’s a very rough blurb and a draft cover. If you want a sneak-peak of the original chapters, you can find me on Wattpad as MagicElise.

Star is a felimorph: a cat-shifter bonded to a witch as her familiar. She leads a miserable life bound to an old hag who abuses Star’s weak magic.

One night, she bumps into Bircher, a felimorph who claims to have no bond. He offers to help free Star so she can join his tribe, but she’s unsure her limited strength can overcome the bond forged at birth.

When Bircher realises Star’s magic has been stolen, they embark on a journey to recover her lost powers from the witch intent on keeping them for herself.

From witches to warlocks, to sorcerers and their vampiric familiars, the aluka, Star’s journey to awakening is only the beginning.

Later in the month, I hope to try out a new venture with some guest posts here for you. So keep an eye out for those as I will have some interesting articles coming up! And alongside all of this, I will be keeping up with my reading challenges. It’s going to be a busy month…

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