Thanks! Yes they were sooo sweet 🙂
On Lemurs and Meerkats
The meerkats were all trying to cool down in the shade!
On Lemurs and Meerkats
You're welcome!
On #twitterphile game – Thursday 7th July
Thanks! I'm doing well so far.
On Camp NaNoWriMo
Yay book 2! Best of luck to you too 🙂
On Camp NaNoWriMo
On Camp NaNoWriMo
Haha not quite. I'll convert you to spreadsheets yet. Got you on Twitter, didn't I 😀
On Using Spreadsheets To Organise Your Writing: Sprints
Yes if you keep the data, I think it's easier to improve over time because you can track how you…
On Using Spreadsheets To Organise Your Writing: Sprints
On Twitter Games
You're welcome 🙂
On Book Review: The Urban Setting Thesaurus